How to earn money with ppc ads

How to earn money with ppc ads

Author: RichDad On: 17.06.2017

Blogging, Training, and Incredible Personal Support. Pay per click , what is it? Those are paid ads, ok? That is what pay per click is, people pay money, then when you click on that they get billed. It pays the bills the search engine so the search engine can keep finding stuff for you. Ok, so who are the major players of pay per click?

Well, you have the big lb gorilla; Google AdWords. Now, there is also Microsoft AdCenter which now manages Yahoo and Bing together.

And, also Facebook ads. Everybody thinks, I got to be number 1! And you also, when you have a pay per click campaign going you always want to be split testing you ads to see which one gets the best click through. You can call it A-B Split Testing, or whatever, but you always want to meet the control.

Set the daily budget!

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Set the daily budget definitely! Definitely set the daily budget and track your visitors. Are those visitors converting like you hope they will?

You want to drive traffic that you know converts. So where do you send that paid traffic? Do you just send them to your homepage?

You want to send them to a targeting landing page. So, always send them to a targeting landing page. And get them to make an action; like join your email list, buy and item, whatever. Test all the way to the end. Never heard of Google AdSense?

How To Make Pay Per Click Pay Off For Your Blog

Then this is where your money making venture begins. This form of advertising works like this:. Before you can benefit from any of this, you will need to create a Google Adsense account.

how to earn money with ppc ads

All you need to do is go to the Google Adsense site and then provide your personal details, such as your name and address. From there, you can then start defining what types of advertisements you want on your site. Google AdSense offers some different options when it comes to the types of ads that you want on your site. You can choose from:. You can also change the size and color of the advertisements so that you can make the advertisement look as if it belongs and is a part of your blog.

What is PPC Pay Per Click and How Can You Make Money from It? [Hind]i

The more the advertisement blends into your blog, the more likely people will click on it. Still difficult to choose?

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Generally text ads go over well with blogs that are related to business, careers, politics, science, self help and more educational topics.

If you want a blend of both text and image ads, consider these if your blog niche is in cars, pets, technology, or the food and drink industry. Search Engine Marketing SEM Tagged With: While we are here to help you at every step of your blogging journey, we cannot make any guarantees about your success as a blogger or the amount of money you will make from blogging. Any examples in our content, including our sales pages and marketing campaigns, are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings.

Your earning potential as a blogger is entirely dependent upon you and your efforts to become successful.

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how to earn money with ppc ads
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