Athens stock market reopens

Athens stock market reopens

Author: Andrei V On: 24.05.2017

Monday 3 August But with stringent conditions, including new austerity measures, expected to be attached to any fresh rescue deal, and business confidence shattered by weeks of political chaos, shares are expected to sell off sharply.

The outlook for the Athens bourse was not helped overnight as Asian stocks continued to fall thanks to a deepening selloff in commodities and concerns over slowing growth in China.

Greek shares plunge on first day of market reopen - BBC News

Bank stocks, which make up a fifth of the main Athens share index, are expected to be hit particularly hard, after the lengthy bank closures and imposition of capital controls, as the radical Syriza government sought to prevent the country being forced out of the euro.

The IMF has repeatedly made clear that it will refuse to provide any new financing for Greece until eurozone governments have made a concrete offer of debt relief; and the Syriza government has instituted economic reforms. But more short-term funding may be needed before the IMF is ready to commit extra funds. Tsipras also faces an uphill struggle to win over athens stock market reopens members of his Syriza party to the reforms he was forced to pledge in exchange for the prospect of new money.

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Now a deal has been done, what lies ahead for the Greek economy? Chinese shares are falling, but the real fear is that the economy itself is slowing. Greece Europe Alexis Tsipras Syriza Banking news.

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