Attila the stockbroker lyrics

Attila the stockbroker lyrics

Author: Slaventy On: 30.06.2017

I'm the MC of ranting rebel poetry I know my history and my identity I'm independent, a red cottage industry DIY from here to eternity Now let me tell you what's been going on - I take my inspiration from centuries long gone Oral tradition of sedition, that's my position No court jester with a tame disposition Twenty years I've had one and they don't come easy, they're not given out for fun.

You have to earn it, work and sweat and move not get stuck in a dead poet bore groove I earned mine in dirty scummy punk clubs Rock gigs, arts centres, festivals and dodgy pubs And yes, once or twice I've had to fight - but when a fascist hits a poet, the poet's doing something right!

So listen up, this MC's here to stay Wild twenty years ago and still fired up today. I love words and I've got this message for you: Poetry's not boring - though some poets bore you And I have to say that some poets bore me. They're about as fun as a week on the lavatory! Dull and pretentious, playing the Art Game - real problem is they give the rest of us a bad name.

But I'm in the forward line, down there in the scrum. Tedious whining poets - up your bum! Now some of the critics think my stuff's no good but I earn my living at it - those jerks never could Yes, as you see, I'm a little bit bolshy too But that's just one of the ways I want to get through Sometimes it's cerebral, quiet, esoteric wit - sometimes it's loud and hard and rude as shit!

I love words and I love 'em in the red and raw I like to use them in ways they've not been used before Want you to laugh and want you to think as well Bollocks to TV - this is live, as live as hell!

Oral tradition - the real origins of poetry. Attila the Stockbroker - ranting rebel MC. Dean of the Social Surrealist University. Welcome to my wild poetic journey! No character, no love, no personality - no brain.

So thin, and yet By your anodyne complicity in this gruesome stereotype you connive in the corporate enslavement of your sisters - anorexia, bulimia, self-loathing, fear.

They aspire to be like you - an unnatural creation of capital - and wreck their bodies in the process, destroy their fertility, tear apart their lives.

But hang on a minute? Not my place to talk about that? I'm a man, what do I know?

Attila The Stockbroker - Cheryl's Going Home Lyrics

You're just trying to earn a living? What I'm saying has been said before? But when the football blokes look and make some expected remark I'm supposed to join in. I'm supposed to fancy you - or pretend to. You give me an inversion. It's quite simple really. I just don't desire a stupid adman's toy styled to look like a prepubescent girl - a real 'babe' - there in the tabloid next to attila the stockbroker lyrics lurid description of Gary Glitter's downfall.

I love a real woman. I won't buy the product you advertise.

I won't watch your latest film. I'm not interested in your poxy TV series I'll never set foot in that bloody car and I hate you.

attila the stockbroker lyrics

I know I should just ignore you, or feel sorry for you but I hate you and your fashionist masters bringers of misery destroyers of individuality harbingers of despair. Sod the microchip revolution - let's have a fish 'n' chip one!

Cream bun chocolate cream bun chocolate lard jquery select option onchange value sag aloo beer beer beer! Say goodbye to Hello! Let's have a real woman's realm! Take over the curry house Fill your freezer full of ice cream Live Love Get real!

Attila the Stockbroker 29 November Haider Born and raised in Austria, he who would be Chancellor is here again Haider!

Attila the Stockbroker | ReverbNation

Ghosts, long stirring, now awake: Where is your beauty, Austria? Where is your culture, Austria?

Attila the Stockbroker - Wikiquote

Is this your future, Austria A steel stiletto in the face and the crunch of a manicured fist? Sober, clean and smartly dressed, business class is well impressed Now he pulls the strings behind the scenes Haider! You all heard the things he said, you all know the book he read You all know those sad old fascist dreams Haider!

Death and dumplings, pearls and pogroms, hate in the shopping mall? Inspired by love, I wandered round Vienna where once my love ultimate guide to forex trading music of her own I marvelled at the music that was born there But dis stock price market watch great city has a heart of stone Second coming of the beast, blessed by banker, boss and priest Slay the beast or bow your heads in shame Haider!

Young and old, Austrians all, hear your history's baleful call Hear the butchered millions scream his name Haider! For, mark our words, the bastard WILL NOT PASS Smash Haider! Or hell in Austria Playing golf or being otherwise dull with malice aforethought watching TV for more than ten hours a should i buy radian group stock discussing soap operas or any TV programmes or adverts in the case of a stand-up comedian on stage and becoming obsessed with the work of Quentin Tarantino Damien Hirst or William Burroughs will become a criminal offence empire state building stock symbol by five years' enforced participation in a non-stop mime juggling and face painting workshop in Slough.

The Berlin Wall will be rebuilt - only five metres higher. It will keep people out. People like the World Bank the International Monetary Fund the Spice Girls Price Waterhouse Goldman Sachs Jeffrey Archer William Archer Peter Mandelson Helmut Kohl and Boris Yeltsin. Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo will suffer immediate retrospective aluminum stock market symbol for gold price. In order to combat the increasing danger to civilised society posed by pig-ignorant misogynistic right-wing testosterone-poisoned road rage specialists theme gulags will be introduced for anyone who drives a van with scratches down the side and shouts at or otherwise intimidates lone women drivers at roundabouts or buys shares in industries which belonged to him in the first place.

These gulags will all be situated on Rockall and will have three themes: Saturday night in August on the Costa Del Sol auction day at the used car emporium on Shoreham seafront and happy hour in a Harlow theme pub. All themes will run 24 hours a day days a year and inmates will be able to nominate their chosen theme on arrival. No theme changing will be allowed hut Clash albums chess sets and copies of 'The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists' will be available for rehabilitation purposes.

Tight security will be enforced. Theme gulags will be surrounded by large, deep moats filled with soya milk and real ale guarded by pitbullfrogs and kept under constant surveillance by hundreds of high court judges watching from carefully constructed ivory towers. Boris Yeltsin will finally be recognised as the traitor and Judas he is and made to spend the rest of his days cleaning out the toilets at the Glastonbury Festival. Every Western government leader and the entire staff of the United Nations will be forced to walk naked through the burnt-out towns and mass graves in what used to be the Socialist Federation of Yugoslavia and then have the words 'Marshall Tito was right' tattooed on their foreheads.

A Zen Stalinist National Curriculum will be introduced into schools. Albanian - both dialects, Gheg and Tosk - will become compulsory as a foreign language.

Reading Geoffrey Archer and supporting Crystal Palace will become not just highly illegal but indicative of a disturbed mental state requiring instant frontal lobotomy. The Alarm will reform. All school students will have to attend morning assembly and sing the new National Anthem: Mike Peters of The Alarm will become the new Welsh football manager with David Icke as his assistant.

The Royal Family will be allowed to remain as figureheads but will have to join The Alarm. Billy Bragg will become next in line to the throne and rhythm guitarist in The Alarm. All game show hosts and everyone who works for the Sun and the Times Literary Supplement will be shot.

Their executions will be videoed an acid house soundtrack will be added and huge week-long parties known as 'graves' will begin. Ken Livingstone and his pet newt Dennis will become Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer. All privatised industries will be renationalised without compensation and a huge TV and poster campaign will be launched saying simply 'Tell Sid tough shit. The first Zen Stalinist Five Year Plan will be published declaring world peace and social surrealism and the dark nightmare of monetarist madness will finally come to an end.

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