Employee stock options excel template

Employee stock options excel template

Author: onsql On: 28.05.2017

Gantt chart is a graphical representation of the duration of the tasks against the progression of time where it usually represent a project schedule and achievement. Some people are creating Gantt chart in Microsoft Excel to simplify their project, but with lack of ready-made duration calculation, the Gantt chart created in Excel usually only being used to just show time progress only.

That is one reason I created my own Gantt chart. I need a Gantt chart that can be adjusted to represent a project with 5,6 or 7 days duration per week.

And it is flexible enough to adjust the duration by entering end date information or just week duration. People just suggested to use Microsoft Office Project for that purposes. I finished this Gantt chart a month ago. You can use this template if you just need a basic task bar chart to map your project plan. It is a single worksheet template with guidance to use it are as follows: Fill your project name in project name row 2.

Fill your project description in project description row 3. Fill your project start date in start date row 4. Select your project period reference by ticking end date or number of weeks row. And fill the needed information in the row where you tick your reference. Select your working days. There are three options available there, Monday — Friday 5 daysMonday — Saturday 6 days and Monday — Sunday 7 days.

This information needed to calculate your project week duration WDdays completed DC and days remain DR. And it will be used also to give you the correct holidays mark inside the chart. This is not a national holiday marker, this is just holiday marker based on your working days preference.

After finishing step 1 to 7, basically you already setup your Gantt chart. The next step is filled the chart with your project detail.

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In the chart, just fill Level, Task, PIC, Start Date and Finish Date column. The remaining column will be filled by itself. I put sample project in the template to ease you understand my Gantt chart. And this Gantt chart is full of conditional formatting format to adjust the layout automatically. Feel free to do some experiment with this template to see the result based on your input. There are three type of Gantt chart I created for you to choose.

employee stock options excel template

You will see that there is a date on top of each column inside the Gantt chart. You can download the file here.

This Gantt chart hides the date information, so the chart will be shorter. I have created a new Gantt Chart template that require Excel for Windows and Excel for Mac.

There are several reasons to answer those questions. I have seen some websites are selling excel templates using my protected formulas or selling my excel templates that has been modified, without my permission.

Below are brief description about features and how to use this template: Holiday List Worksheet A worksheet to put your country holiday and your company official holiday dates. There are 24 holiday dates can be entered. Enter your holiday dates — Holiday: Enter your holiday short description. Gantt Chart Worksheet There are 2 big areas in this worksheet. Those area are setting at the left side of the worksheet and Gantt Chart area.

I put the setting on the left side of this worksheet to ease you seeing the effect of changing your setting in Gantt Chart area. Setting Area Date Information — Start Date: Enter your project start date here — End Date: Select this type, and enter your week period, if your project has a fixed week period — Working Days: Do not tick anything if your workdays is from Monday to Friday, tick Saturday if your workdays is until Saturday and tick Saturday and Sunday if you work without holidays.

Date Marker — Today: There will be a blue border color surrounding the area below corresponding date. There will be a gray solid color revealed on corresponding dates. Display There is no option in lite edition. The Gantt Chart will show a week period with weekly scroll bar. Gantt Chart Area The top part of this are is a place to input you project initial information — Project Name: Enter your Project Name here — Description: Enter your Project Description here — Leader: Enter your Project Leader here.

The second part below project description information is the part where you can see your project timeframe information that has been set in setting area. You can see your Start Date, End Date, Project Length and Displayed Week Period.

There is a scroll bar at the bottom left side where you can scroll it left or right to move between week period. Below project time frame part, there is a table to write your project plan. The first 5 columns in this chart Level, Task, Assignment, Start Date and Finish Date are the area to populate this chart. Type the level based on WBS or Non WBS level as you have set in Setting area — Tasks: Type or write a short description your employee tasks — Assignment: Select your employee name To add new employee name, go to Employee name worksheet — Start Date: Type your task start date — Finish Date: Type your task finish date After finishing all of your information in the first 5 columns, you will see a task bar revealed.

You can set the markers in Setting area to enable or disable date color markers — Working Days: Enter your actual finish date if you want to see your task completion performance. The formula inside this column will calculate the remaining days left to complete the task. There are some notes that you have to put attention when you are running this template: It will break the formula. Copy the tasks and paste it one row below.

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And you can type a new one. The ones that you download below are the lite version.

I made the premium version which has been added many tools to ease your planning tasks. Gantt Chart Template Lite — Week V3. Below are other templates with different task bar arrangement.

Project Gantt Chart Template - Day V3. And here is the Macintosh version, but it also runs well in Windows environment. Project Gantt Chart Template for Mac - Team - Day V3. Project Gantt Chart Template for Mac - Team - Week V3. I downloaded your Gantt chart, and I just want to say thank you! I just populated my information, and it looks great! Just thought I would share.

Came across your site as I was needing a gantt chart just like this one. This thing is awesome! No matter the number I input, it pushes the weeks past my end date by the exact amount of weeks input. I am amazed that you did not use any visual basic to accomplish. Can you send me an unlocked version of the weekly gantt chart? I need to delete some rows and was unable to since it was protected.

I downloaded your weekly Gantt chart tool and I loved it. This was an excellent tool for me to quickly organize a fairly sizable project. Being a new manager, it allowed me to save some significant design time and provide exactly what I and my team needed.

How can I edit chart to accommodate 12 or 24 month time period? Drop down only allows 32 weeks. Great tool, Can you provide me with unprotect password?

I need to change the gray cells to other colors to highlight different projects.

Hi and thx for this great chart, using the weekly chart. Gantt chart is great. I have to agree with Matt on January 18th, You can unprotect it without password. I will add it later. You employee stock options excel template activate analysis toolpak add-ins.

And all function should work correctly. If you still have a problem after following these steps, just close your excel and open it again. Thanks a lot, that works. What is the best way to insert additional fields and project headings without ruining the formulas? Great chart, two things that for me inprove it visually. The weekly columns are offset by one row throwing off the gantt chart markers. Plus I would love to change the marker color for different vendors on a forex pl opinie, how can Cost basis of a call option do that?

Great chart but need more than 32 weeks. Can you advise how to do that? Also what does WD, DC and DR stand for? I downloaded commonwealth bank credit card foreign transaction fee Excel file. It unzipped into a few file folders. What do I do now?

How do I get to use it? Great chart, Is there any way I can change the colours for each person on the chart? Also I cannot see how to put in holidays even though it has a tab for show holidays. Thanks again great chart. What does it stand for? Sorry for the language barrier. A perfect solution for me. It would be good to be able to do at least 52 weeks. In addition to that, the start and end date are ok, but generally you have two things with a project — the end date that the customer wants the project and the other is the hours to complete the project which could be more than the allotted time, in which case you have to hire more people.

Keep it up and God Bless You! How is this done? To anyone asking for what WD, DC and DR stand for, I suggest to test the template yourself especially for the start and end dates for each task level.

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You will understand quickly. Which file do I point Excel at? Is there any way I can change the colours for each person on the chart? Plus I would like to change the color stock options ph screener free the Cells to other colors to highlight different projects. I cannot seem to unprotect the worksheet without a password. Please tell me how to do this or send forex tv box driver the password.

I love the chart, thanks very much. But again, great job. Hi, Can you please send me the excel template with the 52 week option? Thanks so much and great work! Thanks for this excellent chart — I have found it very useful. One issue, as mentioned by others — how to extend it to 52 weeks?

This is a Terrific worksheet. The only limitation is not being able to schedule more than 32 weeks. I know you responded by saying that it is coming soon but I just wanted to get my feedback out to you. Another improvement would be to add the ability to create a vacation list so that the days are not counted as work days. Thanks for the template it is helping tremedously. Hi, Great Gantt template, first of all. I have searched the net for quite some time and yours is the most efficient one I find.

I have a few suggestions though as mentioned by other users: It would be nice if any date would be possible e. The funny thing is that when you select weeks and you select 32 weeks, then the end date automatically set the END DATE to may! So may is the oldest. It looks like everything is pretty much limited to 32 weeks, so you probably have a variable defining this limit?

This chart is phenomenal! However, I would too like to know how to modify the length of the chart so that it may run longer than 32 weeks. Is there a simple way for Excel dummies to do this? I donwload the version v1. Hi, thanks for wize trade stock picks template, I hope we could use half worked days.

Is it possible to implement? I would love if you could email me your latest version in excel for weekly only and have a maximum of more than 32 weeks, up to Could you open the file in open office and use more than 32 weeks. I could not find how to change the setting but it appears that Open Office Calc will allow more.

I tryied to download your version but all I got was a bunch of files. What do I do? Hi — thanks for this, great work! My problem seems to be — when I copy and paste from MS Project to Excel the date, 1 day disapears from teh front in call options expire worthless Excel spreadsheet.

In my Excel gantt it shows a start on the 14th Feburary. I have a question, and perhpas it is there and I cannot see it. Once a task is completed, how do you identify this on the chart? This template is great, but can you explain how to change the colours to highlight different projects? Great template first one!! Is it possible to change the length to more than 32 week?

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I also tried the template but after unpacking it is not clear how to work with the files Really good stuff.

The value you entered is invalid. A user has restricted values that can be entered into this cell. Very easy to fill out. Thank you very much for this hard work you put to do this and share with everybody. Hi, This is a great tool! Thank you so much. Hi, thanks for sharing a great job, I want to change the 3 options in Drop Down 4 Form Control wich are: Monday — Friday, Monday — Saturday and Monday — Sunday, but dataform3.

Could you give me such password?

employee stock options excel template

Your chart is simply great! It is exactly as I wanted for my project but after I downloaded it i could not see those automatically filling colour bars. Wish it had a percentage coloumn as well. Thanks a lot, I downloaded your gantt chart and it really do me a big flavor thanks you very much. Please can you kindly help in this?

Please can you help me, for e. I am using your Gantt Chart, you know its excellent, please can you help me if I want to get different colour of the chart, can I do this in your Gantt Chart, please let know. Those people getting NAME? This did it for me. Get new excel templates on sports fixtures, calendars, calculators, etc, every weekday by entering your email address here:.

Simple Employee Database Manager. Employee Shift Schedule Generator. Excel Templates Menu Sports Calendar Productivity Business. Heather Weast August 11, Thanks again for sharing all the time you put into this. We certainly do appreciate it! Jonathan Hill September 18, Guarino November 11, BK November 12, Hi, I downloaded your weekly Gantt chart tool and I loved it. Carlton Johnson December 24, Greg January 4, Thanks for this template! This is really helpful. Also is there anyway to extend the time period beyond 32 weeks to 12 months or 18 months?

A quick response would be greatly appreciated. Gianluca January 7, Matt January 17, Matt January 18, Monday-Sunday, the WD, DC and DR calculate correctly. Martin January 18, Apart from that, it is an excellent tool.

How is the tool to be used for projects lasting for exampleone year? Musadya January 19, Matt January 20, Musadya Thanks a lot, that works. Ron January 20, Michelle January 31, Ari February 1, JGG February 25, Claire March 2, Patrick March 9, Trent Baxter March 9, Amar March 12, Iain Munro March 19, Hi There Great tool. Is there anyway to accomodate this into your spreadsheet? Ajay March 20, THanks a lot your template was educational and saved lots of time.

Moksh March 31, Thank you so much! WL April 6, Bjorn April 6, Great template and very useful. Ahmed April 13, I would like to know how to change Working Days from Sat to Thu?

Pitso April 14, Hi Great template, Covers exactly everything i was looking for and its easy to follow. Plus I need to change the gray cells to other colors to highlight different projects.

Steve Hateley April 19, Srikanth April 27, Danito June 5, Thanks for the template — saved me hours of time. Farzan June 8, AMy June 8, The link for the chart appears to be broken. Dwight July 6, Ski October 26, Tim October 27, Well done and thanks for sharing! Peter October 29, Greg November 1, Thanks for your time!

Yuri November 16, Do you have suggestions how to maybe quickly modify this limit? Again, great Gantt chart! I thank you again for this amazing template!! I would be lost without you! Please let me know how to open these file in Excel format. Tonya December 28, Norman December 30, How can i do this?

Theresa January 13, Sdavis February 4, ARos February 10, Need direction to use the zipped file. Please could you email me your latest version? Abhishek February 10, Eric February 11, Agatha February 15, Can you please advise?

Thank you for your time.

employee stock options excel template

Yinn Lai February 17, You are a legend!!!! Covers exactly everything i was looking for and its easy to follow. Mark March 4, Thank you…this is incredible!!! Rachel March 9, KC March 10, How do I open the zip file in Excell ? Gerben van Lent March 12, I also tried the template but after unpacking it is not clear how to work with the files Really good stuff Gerben.

Mai April 24, Jeremy May 19, I am getting the following error when trying to enter in a end date. Can you provide any guidance? Pojin Weng May 30, How to change the color of the Cells to other colors to highlight different projects.

Wes Thornburg June 10, Oseas Benavides June 13, I would appreciate if you may tell me how to modify the time frame to have more than 32 weeks. Nokna June 20, Laura July 1, Boris January 4, Thanks in advance for your help. Sheeba January 7, I guess this must be a download error, appreciate if you could please email me the file. Syed June 17, Rebecca June 26, What is the password so that I can make changes? Syed Abbas July 29, Bernardo Barragan October 5, Good Morning, How can i get an unlocked version of your template?

Can not un-protect this without a password. Has anyone determined what the password is? AndyTate January 11, Salary Slip June 21st, Payment Receipt June 20th, Simple Sales Chart June 12th, Petty Cash June 9th, Profit and Loss Statement June 8th, Cash Flow Statement June 7th, Balance Sheet June 6th, About Contact Us EULA FAQ Privacy Policy.

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