Government tsp investment options

Government tsp investment options

Author: Julysss On: 05.07.2017

The Thrift Savings Plan ended on a strong note, posting both positive monthly numbers and high yearly numbers. Sponsored Content - Download our Executive Briefing to learn how agency and industry experts are hoping to reduce insider threats.

TSP: Investment Funds

The international stock-index I fund, despite months of negative numbers, pulled through and made a positive yearly return of 2. It still performed better than the low-risk, low-reward G fund, which ended the year at 1.

TSP Withdrawal - Helps Federal Employee to Maximize their TSP Withdrawal Benefits

The F fund, a fixed-income index investment fund, ended the year on the lower side with a 2. The L Income fund ended the year at 3.

The L fund posted the highest return of the bunch at 8. Shows Your Turn For Your Benefit Federal Insights. Shows FEDtalk Fed Access. Shows Ask the CIO Federal Executive Forum Federal Tech Talk Federal Insights. Management News OMB Budget Sequestration Agency Oversight SES People News Agency Oversight SES People.

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government tsp investment options

Headlines Get Email Alerts. Which TSP fund had the best ? By Jory Heckman jmheckman January 3, Top Stories Could Labor Day weekend be the end of the line for some EPA employees? Military revenge porn may become illegal in NDAA Legislation.

Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) | Basics, Funds & Overview

House panel wants 2. Fed Photo of the Day Defense Secretary Jim Mattis receives Excellence in Public Service award. Today in History THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN TICKER Jun 20, Close Change YTD L Income Closing price updated at approx 6pm EST.

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